Upgrades almost completed!

SAP-UpgradeHello webcam watchers!  It’s been a while since our last update and we have a ton of stuff to cover.  For the past 2 months we have been slowly adding features, new cams, new chat rooms, and much more to your favorite train cam site.  We have added several more cams since our last update and that required us to spend some money to upgrade the server and other associated hardware.  We’re getting closer to being complete with the changes we had planned.  Some of the upgrades are listed below, be sure to check them out.

  • New DVR system allowing for 24hrs of playback
  • New chat rooms that cover each cam as well as an off topic area
  • New video players for smooth playback
  • Several new cams
  • Automatic mobile and tablet selection
  • New cam setups
  • Improved website
  • Lot’s more to come

Be sure to check out all the latest upgrades.  We ask that you keep in mind with any upgrade there will be bugs to work out.  Please be patient during this process and we will be sure to cover them all.  Thanks again to our members, we hope to keep improving the best webcams on the net!


The Virtual Railfan Team